Vocabulary part 3
- Naughty.- Latoso. When a child have a lot energy.
- Chop - chuleta
- However - sin embargo
- As a predicted - como se esperaba
- Furthermore - Además
- Pond - estanque
- Scintillating- Brillante, radiante
- Achive- Done something "lograr"
- Take a toll.-something that is bad for you
- Glare.- destello
- Staitements.- something that you say and it's true, something could be a declaration
- Scenic.- someplace that is very photografiable (a very nice place)
- Unpleasant.- Disspleasant, not good feelings
- Pressure - Presiona
- Caregiven - to take care about more persons
- Juggle.- when you have to get a balance between many thinks/sometimes could be activity of circus.
- To cape.- Do work or to do front of something that could be a difficult situation.
- Over the edge.- Loss of control
- On edge.- Tense nervous or irritable
- Adds up to.- (phrasal verb) to make a total amount of something
- Overload.- Too much of something
- Amount.- A quantity of something specially the total of the thing of things in a number size value or extent.
- ill due to.- sick because of... eg. he is ill due to the cold weather
- Devices.- some technology like, tv, iPad, tablet, etc.
- Gaming.- Juego de azar
- Web browsing.- search on the web
- Stopping cues.- stop signals or information
- Fomo.- fear of missing out
- Take home.- the focus of the topic.
- Deny.- say not
- Para= in order to
- Newsworthy.- De interés periodístico.
- Personal skyl.- What the people can do
- Personality trait.- Something that you work for but actually you know already
- Enraged.- synonym to upset or mad
- Threw. Throw. botar, lanzar, to push something
- Dig. cavar, when you make a hole in the land or flor.
- Threnches. trincheras, space where you are on save
- Bawled, bawl. when you screen so hight loud
- Dreadfully. Horrorozamente
- ill, enfermo sick
- starled, surprise, afraid
- weasel, comadreja animal
- strafred, strafe amedrentar
- chokes, se ahoga
- gasp gasped, jadear
- flock, rebaño, a quite of sheeps eg. a flock of sheeps
- rage, rabia
- poked, meter, empujar, hurgar
- Poked bolsillo
- Shorel, pala
- pala, pala
- esteemed, estimadx
- Agitated, agitadx
- Vicinity, neighborhood
- Shed, cobertuzo
- Turmoil, alboroto
- Frilly, con volantes
- Beard, barba
- haltingly, vacilante
- Peasant, campesino
- Nod, nodded, asentir, asintió
- Oath- Juramento
- Rope, soga
- Roped, atadx
- Beyond, más allá de... further.
- Enquired, investigadx
- Enquire, preguntar
- otherwise, de lo contrario, de otra manera
- Path, camino o ruta, pathway ruta.
- Swelling- when the muscle increast of their size and pain (hinchado)
- Destressed- someone is feeling stress and afraid about something
- chocking- atragantar
- Beyond, more than...
- Fleas, a small wingless jamping insect which feeds on the blood of mammals and birds (chinches)
- Fraud, wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gan
- Trip, propina/consejo
- Complaints, quejas
- Shortages, escasez
- Guilty, culpable
- Wealthy, rich o persn who has a lot of money
- withdraw, when you take out or quite out your money from bank or account
- Achive, lograr, done something
- take a toll, something that is bad for you
- Seek, look for, search.
- Willing, when you are available for something
- Once in a while, that means sometimes "de vez en cuando"
- Ban, when you forbit something or someone
- Naughty, when the children have a bad and funny behavior (travesura)
- Randomly, a little bit probably
- Therefore, por lo tanto .:
- Naked, desnudo, not wearing clothes
- Request, ask for something
- Transgression, something that goes agist to the true or lay
- Accurate, exactly
- Reveal, to show something that was hidden before.
- Conterculture.- A person who have different ideas from the average eg. Hippies or Femminist
- Subculture.- A smaller cultural group eg. Nerd, Emo's, Hippies, Hacker
- Cultural Appropriation.- Occurs when a person from one culture adopts the fashion, music, food, etc, for other culture. eg. Blank faces
- Hang out.- Pasar el rato
- Come Through.- Vamos a salir (cachondeo)
- Netflix and Chill
- Booty Call
- Through - Mediante
- Thorough.- Minuciosa, exhaustivo
- Thought.- Thinking in past
- Trough.- Canal
- Through.- A través
- Tough.- Dura/Duro
Are synonyms.- Phase, period, stage.
The personal pronoun in the midlde
- Pick up - pick it up
- Turn off - turn it off
- Look up - look it up and hopefully you could find it
- Put down - put it down
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