Acontinuación les dejo las definiciones de los articulos, espero que les sirva mucho y estudien mucho.
- Definite article
For singular and plural, feminine and masculine
THE. - el, la, los, las.
1. The car, The house, The students - Indefinite article
For a singular only, feminine and masculine.
A.- un, una
(preceding a consonat sound)
Examples: A pencil, a pen, a uniform, a hippopotamus, a hotel.
AN.- un, una
(preceding a vowel sound)
Examples: An apple, an orange, an honor, an honest person. - Demostratives: Singular
THIS.- este, esta
Examples: this book, this classroom
THAT.- ese, esa, eso, aquel, aquello, aquella.
Examples: that student. - Demostratives: Plural
THESE.- estos, estas.
Examples: these classes, these teachers.
THOSE .- esos, esas, aquellas, aquellos.
PLURALS - Regular nouns, form their plural form by adding an "s"
Examples: one classroom/ two clasrooms
one student, / two students
one dog / two dogs - Nouns ending in: S-SS-SH-CH-Z-X-O
The form their plural by adding "es"
Examples: Bus/Buses
buzz/buzzes (zumbido/murmullo/cuchicheo/sonido del teléfono)
tomato/tomatoes - Foreing or abbreviated words ending in "o" add "s" only
Examples: Piano/pianos
photo/photos - Nouns ending in "y" preceded by a consonant change the "y" into "i" and andd "es"
Examples: Fly/Flies
lorry/lorries (camión)
country/countries - Some nouns ending in "f" or "fe"change the "f" of "fe" to "ves"
Examples: wife/wives
shelf/shelves (estante, repisa, anaquel, saliente)
thief/thieves (*Ladrón)
wolf/wolves (*lobo)
loaf/loaves (barra de pan)
leaf/leaves (hoja de arbol)
half/halves (mitad, medio)
calf/calves (becerro, ternero, cria) - The nouns:
scarf/scrafs or scraves (bufanda/perforar la pared/comer rapido)
wharf/wharfs or wharves (muelle)
hoof /hoof or hooves (aro/arco)
are either written with "s" or "ves"
PLURAL IRREGULARS - some nouns have irregular forms. study them
Examples: man/men
ox/oxen (bueyes)
foot/feet (pies)
goose/geese (gansos)
gentleman/gentlemen (caballeros)
sheep/sheep (*ovejas)
louse/lice (piojos)
deer/deer (renos)
mouse/mice (ratones)
tooth/teeth (*dientes)
trout/trout (truchas)
Etiquetas: apoyo, aprender, autodidacta, básico ingles para viajar, class, comunicación básica en India, course, curso de inglés, English, español, estudia, learn, study, vocabulario., vocabulary
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