domingo, 7 de julio de 2024

English Course. Maison


Frail - Fragile    

Worldwide - todo el mundo

Petri dishes - placas de petri

Test tubes - tubos de ensayo 

Outcomes - resultats 

remarkably - remarked- extraordinariamente/sorprendentemente

roughly - rough-  aproximadamente/toscamente

wisdom - sabiduría - wise - sabiduría  

Instilling - instalar/inculcar

Wilderness - tierra virgen 

struck off - romper 

flood - inundaciones

Buried - sumergir/ enterrar

Intake - consumo/ingesta 

Shortage - escasez/carencia  - sinónimo Lake - falta de .. /Carencia.

Astonishing - asombroso / impactante / deslumbrante 

Wolf down - devorar 

stuffed - stuff - lleno / cosas

Turn out - resutla que..  

Weeding - deshierbar

Seeding - Siembra

harvesting - cosecha  

hence - por consiguiente/ So hence .- así que/ por lo tanto

stumbled - tropezar

hinder .- prevent you... avoit of... 

rapport.- it basically a process to let to know each other.

demand - demanda

eye to eye = we are on the same page

resemble = parecerse a... 

Third person - present simple She answers/ she teaches/ she shares/ takes.  

Present simple and past simple who can / who could  - they teach / they taught  make/made believe/believed 

Pronunciation - IPA (we are going to work with that later) U     

Pronunciation .- ED - believed - overwhelmed - answered  

actknowledge = to reconoize  

Voice = we pronouns it

Unvoice = we do not create a specific sound 

vowels makes us to have a sound
consonants by itself have not sound.  



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