sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2023

Past perfect/reported speech/Say or tell

 Pp + had + past participle + complemente + conector + history in simple past 

Complete rhe following senrences in your own words. Use rhe pasr perfecr.

1. When1gottorhecheck-indesk,1suddenlyrealized that .... I had left my passport at home

2  When we arrived back from our vacation, we found that we had forgot lock the door

3  When the movie started, 1realized immediarely that I had not finished my homework

4  JouIdn'tansweranyoftheexamquestionsbecausel... I had not studied before

S we spend 20 minutein thparking lot looking for thcar because we couldn'r remember where we had parked 

Enero - inscripciones 9 de enero fecha limite de pago 17 y 22 de Enero

Duración 27 de enero al 23 de marzo 

Reported speech

Say or tell

Say + to  + person 
Say + complemento  

Tell me

Told us

The person is no necessary with say could be in general but if we want to say who is the person that receive the info we have to use "to"

Different that tell, don't need to