viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024

Pearson studying by myself

Speaking section

Hello, This is Diana Montiel, I am a mexican woman, I 31 years old, I am a teacher and I am doing the PTE academic because I want to study the Education in Resilient Context Master in Europe. 

I have a cat and a dog and I love dancing and traveling. 

Here I am going to type my notes about my self or autodidactic preparation for Pearson Academic test. 

First let's talk about the resources I am going on. 
  • Anki flashcards for new vocabulary 
  • Pearson website free resources. 
  • 12 verb practice 

1. compass - brujula
2. compromised - comprometida
3. altered - alterada
4. occur - ocurrir
5. surge - oleada
6. Merited - merecida
7. Oblivion - olvido/desecho.

1. phase -fase

2. merchandise - mercancías

3. artefacts - artefactos

4. oblivion - olvido

1. influential - influyente

2. distinguished - distinguido

3. represents - representa

4. effectiveness - eficacia

5. reliable - confiable

1. merited - merecido

2. engineers - ingenieros

3. predict - predecir

4. impact - impacto


1. compass - brujula

2. compromised - comprometida/o

3. altered - alterada/o

4. occur - ocurrir

5. surge - oleaje

1. container - contenedor

2. recycle - reciclaje

3. pollution - contaminación

4. difficult - difícil

5. indicate - indicado

1. common - común 

2. discussion - discusión

3. valued - valorada/o

4. ability - habilidad

5. choice - elección

1. improved - mejorado/a

2. experienced - experimentado/a

3. survive - sobrevivir 

4. increased - incrementado/a

5. population - población

1. behavioural/behavioral - conductual

2. prevalent - prevalente

3. exemplifying - ejemplificando

4. settled - establecida/o

1. safety - seguro

2. reflect - reflexionar/reflejar

3. gold - oro

4. created - creado/a