miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2023

Vocabulary part 3

  1.  Naughty.- Latoso. When a child have a lot energy.
  2. Chop - chuleta 
  3. However - sin embargo
  4. As a predicted - como se esperaba
  5. Furthermore - Además 
  6. Pond - estanque
  7. Scintillating- Brillante, radiante
  8. Achive- Done something "lograr"
  9. Take a toll.-something that is bad for you
  10. Glare.- destello
  11. Staitements.- something that you say and it's true, something could be a declaration 
  12. Scenic.- someplace that is very photografiable (a very nice place)
  13. Unpleasant.- Disspleasant, not good feelings 
  14. Pressure - Presiona
  15. Caregiven - to take care about more persons
  16. Juggle.- when you have to get a balance between many thinks/sometimes could be activity of circus.
  17. To cape.- Do work or to do front of something that could be a difficult situation. 
  18. Over the edge.- Loss of control 
  19. On edge.- Tense nervous or irritable 
  20. Adds up to.- (phrasal verb) to make a total amount of something 
  21. Overload.- Too much of something 
  22. Amount.- A quantity of something specially the total of the thing of things in a number size value or extent. 
  23. ill due to.- sick because of... eg. he is ill due to the cold weather 
  24. Devices.- some technology like, tv, iPad, tablet, etc. 
  25. Gaming.- Juego de azar
  26. Web browsing.- search on the web
  27. Stopping cues.- stop signals or information 
  28. Fomo.- fear of missing out
  29. Take home.- the focus of the topic.
  30. Deny.- say not 
  31. Para= in order to
  32. Newsworthy.- De interés periodístico.
  33. Personal skyl.- What the people can do 
  34. Personality trait.- Something that you work for but actually you know already
  35. Enraged.- synonym to upset or mad
  36. Threw. Throw. botar, lanzar, to push something 
  37. Dig. cavar, when you make a hole in the land or flor.
  38. Threnches. trincheras, space where you are on save
  39. Bawled, bawl. when you screen so hight loud  
  40. Dreadfully. Horrorozamente 
  41. ill, enfermo sick
  42. starled, surprise, afraid 
  43. weasel, comadreja animal
  44. strafred, strafe amedrentar 
  45. chokes, se ahoga
  46. gasp gasped, jadear
  47. flock, rebaño, a quite of sheeps eg. a flock of sheeps
  48. rage, rabia
  49. poked, meter, empujar, hurgar
  50. Poked bolsillo 
  51. Shorel, pala 
  52. pala, pala
  53. esteemed, estimadx
  54. Agitated, agitadx
  55. Vicinity, neighborhood 
  56. Shed, cobertuzo
  57. Turmoil, alboroto
  58. Frilly, con volantes
  59. Beard, barba
  60. haltingly, vacilante 
  61. Peasant, campesino
  62. Nod, nodded, asentir, asintió
  63. Oath- Juramento 
  64. Rope, soga 
  65. Roped, atadx
  66. Beyond, más allá de... further. 
  67. Enquired, investigadx
  68. Enquire, preguntar
  69. otherwise, de lo contrario, de otra manera
  70. Path, camino o ruta, pathway ruta.
  71. Swelling- when the muscle increast of their size and pain (hinchado)
  72. Destressed- someone is feeling stress and afraid about something 
  73. chocking- atragantar
  74. Beyond, more than... 
  75. Fleas, a small wingless jamping insect which feeds on the blood of mammals and birds (chinches)
  76. Fraud, wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gan 
  77. Trip, propina/consejo
  78. Complaints, quejas
  79. Shortages, escasez 
  80. Guilty, culpable
  81. Wealthy, rich o persn who has a lot of money
  82. withdraw, when you take out or quite out your money from bank or account 
  83. Achive, lograr, done something
  84. take a toll, something that is bad for you 
  85. Seek, look for, search.
  86. Willing, when you are available for something
  87. Once in a while, that means sometimes "de vez en cuando"
  88. Ban, when you forbit something or someone
  89. Naughty, when the children have a bad and funny behavior (travesura)
  90. Randomly, a little bit probably 
  91. Therefore, por lo tanto .:
  92. Naked, desnudo, not wearing clothes
  93. Request, ask for something
  94. Transgression, something that goes agist to the true or lay 
  95. Accurate, exactly 
  96. Reveal, to show something that was hidden before. 

  1. Conterculture.- A person who have different ideas from the average eg. Hippies or Femminist 
  2.  Subculture.- A smaller cultural group eg. Nerd, Emo's, Hippies, Hacker
  3. Cultural Appropriation.- Occurs when a person from one culture adopts the fashion, music, food, etc, for other culture. eg. Blank faces

  1. Hang out.- Pasar el rato
  2. Come Through.- Vamos a salir (cachondeo)
  3. Netflix and Chill 
  4. Booty Call
  1. Through - Mediante
  2. Thorough.- Minuciosa, exhaustivo 
  3. Thought.- Thinking in past 
  4. Trough.- Canal  
  5. Through.- A través 
  6. Tough.- Dura/Duro
Are synonyms.- Phase, period, stage.

The personal pronoun in the midlde 
  1. Pick up - pick it up 
  2. Turn off - turn it off
  3. Look up - look it up and hopefully you could find it 
  4. Put down - put it down 

Causative/ uso de What


 Subject + verb + to + get/have + object + past participle 


We use have/get to say that something is done .

To say that we arrange for someone else to do the work or perform the service 


I want to have the apartment painted 

She needs to get the children enrolled  

We should have 25 min walked every day 

You should get the cat sterilized/neutered 


sometimes we could use what like "lo que" in spanish when we use the word at the beginning of the sentence 


What the speaker said about screens seems questionable

What I don't understood is your reason for leaving your job

What bothered the doctor a lot was the poor diet of many patients 

What we saw about hungry children in Yemen on the tv news shocked us

What the police tried to make him admit none of their business 

What I want my darling is more than anything is your love