sábado, 6 de abril de 2024

Intermediate 1 notes

English intermediate 1 
Uam Azcapotzalco 2024
My personal notes.

  • Sucursales = several branches/sites
  • another case (singular-plural)
  • other cases (correct)
I would rather + simple form 

Aunque = even though/although

To describe a picture:
  • Not asume that something happen
  • Not create a history 
  • Use the WH words: what, where, when, who, how, why
1. In the first picture I can two people, they look like a couple, the girl have three heart shape balloons in her hand, at the bottom I see a build and snow, looks like is a could place.  

we could start the description with: 
  • In the bottom...
  • There is...
  • There are... 
  • It seems...
  • It seems like...
  • I think....
Plain.- simple/natural
-plain water - agua natural/agua simple
-plain yogurth - Yogurth natural

We have 5 vowels but 12 sounds
  •  Topping - at the top
  • Filling - en medio/at the midde
  • ready made - already prepared
  • to take out - eat at home
  • to cheer yourself up - makes you feel better 
1. miss
2. life with out 
3. hot/spicy 
4. cheer 
5. intolerance
6. topping 

We are used to having bread and coffee. (present is because we use verb to be)
We used to have tacos at night. (past, without verb to be)

night owl - works better at night 
early bird - works better at the day 
cause heartburn - provocar agruras
Reliable .- confiable
Unidad habitacional.- building blog
Descuidado: careless
Get ride off, eliminate this insegurity
Cupboard, Wardrobe, Armario. (cobord)
Hide & Seek. Escondidas
Llenar el tanque. I filled the tank
Así sucesivamente - And so on...
A will. Testament. Testamento
Pagaré. this is the IOU...I owe you
Safe. ahorrar
Safe off. tener un descuento
Automatic Telling (Teller)  Machine  ATM
realize = make real
do or perform =  carry out
loan = credit bank 
succinct= breve
iliterate = analfabetismo
literacy = alfabetismo
ignorat = have not the information 
lenient teacher / barco

Ill - To offer something eg. Ill get you a cup of coffee
I am going
I am staying - it is a very inmidiate future, and is something almost sure/stablish  

going to
Will + Maybe = is more common to use it. 


CONTENT WORDS.- words that give you the essential information to the rest of the sentence.

1. My sister's having a baby in april
2.- Is anyone in you family buying a car
3.-Are you going to see your parents on the weekend 
4.- Do you think you live the home next year

20/4/24 HOMEWORK

1. Send a text describing yourself. p. 153    
2. p. 12 read de article 
3. Read p.17 and answer the exercise
4. 134 


Organize ideas correctly
Use punctuation
Answer the question 
Bring conclusions 
Use a variety of vocabulary

Text describing myself. 
I consider myself now at days relax and nerd.

I don't really like to describe people because I think we could fall into stereotypes or labels, then in general I tendency to be a positive person. 

During elementary school I was nerd too but I was not calm, I was a girl with a lot of energy who wanted to play all the time, I remember a picture of me bored in the classroom waiting my classmates finish their exercises because I was faster. In secondary school I got a lot of problems because I was very restless person with a young personality  It is important to mention that my secondary school was the very traditional and conservatory with boring rules, no way to arts or expression space however every year I was one of the best students, a student with one of the better grades at whole school.
There are many social rules that do not have sense to me, for example, punish students for changing hair color or do not let permise to in the school just because they were late, or bureaucracy paperwork this type of rules many time are imposed for people that is very institutionalized.
My streats is that I can work so hard for what I want, my weakness is that I am very emotional person. 

In conclusion I am a regular human! 

Thank You for reading Mr. Angeles. 

Have you _____ (ed) .....
No I haven't ......... yet
Yes, I have....


Have been - is a continues thing, we are not going to use it with: wake up, posetions, know.    
Have . general 

Complete pp135
Read and answer pp 22

Hello teacher, it is too sad that you could not read the other one, I was very inspired and I wrote a lot of interesting stories, unfortunately I did not pay attention to the timer.

But here it is again. Thank You so much

May 4th 2024
Dear Sam, I hope this mail finds you well. Long time ago without writing you a letter right?

I am sad because I did not see the time and the platform closed the chance to send the last one.

I just want to talk about the Sandoval teacher in secondary school, do you remember him?

He inspired me because he was a teacher who believed a lot in his students, the particular case that I wrote about before, He used to motivate and make us work hard on our own goals, he made us identify how important values were in our life.
And he really took care of us, as much as he could, also he prepared us to have real practices and all the time he motivated us to apply for a high school that would move us to the national universities like UAM, UNAM or IPN.

We were some of the worst students in that school but at the same time we were part of the best academic score at the same time, and many times when we got in trouble, he defended us very hard. Also he used to ask row by row if we had lunch this afternoon and if not he bought us food.

He teaches me a lot about life and of course!  a lot about Dibujo Técnico.

Have a good day Sam
See you in a few hours.


Pp 27 reading
grammar pp. 136
Writing a mail, history of a trip I took

 Good afternoon Mr. Angeles 

I am excited to share my homework.

History of a trip. 

Once upon a time.... I was working in my mechanic workshop, when the bad guys arrive on a ferrari trying to steal the "piedra filosofal" then I should scape, I used my Audi and I drove at 100 miles an hour to get Veracruz in just 1 hrs. 
Once in Veracruz I took a boat and drive to Cuba, there were a lot huge waves, but the bad guys were so close to me, then just I could see the coast I jumped to the ocean and swam to Havana old port, I was rung dodging many shots, then I took a Huahua to get Matanzas and in the heart of the town, I could gave the "piedra filosofal" to the persons who now at days care of it. 

pp. 27
1- r
2- A
3- A
4- r
5- A
6- R

People are or people is??? 

To write an article:
a) Be organized - divide the topic 
b) Be General
c) Use superlatives and comparatives

Homework, write an opinion and send by mail.

hit the nail on the head - Le diste al clavo. 

NO article
- home
- school
- church
- work

- men
- women
- man
- woman

As long as - siempre y cuando

hide & seek

Fit - Quedar
Suit - Quedar 


Always ING after prepositions.

From .- prevent/surfer/different 

to .- I have never been to... (place)

In .- arrive in
About .- Worry about

Argue - With
Choose.- Between 
In .- Interested *

At - Specific (location, time)
In - Believe in
To- Belong to 
On - It depends on 

About- dream about/of
about is when you talk about the story
Illusions is when is something that you want

At .-Laugh at me 
To - Look forward to
For - Pay for 
Of .- reminds of
On - Spend on 

For - famous for
About - excited about
With - Fed up with (estar al limite con ...)

Of - Fond of (sinónimo de I like)
At - Good at 
For - good for 
About - Passionate about 
To - Kind to
To - Married to/with
Of - proud of 
Of - tired of...

Homework. Grammar 138 pp 

Intrusive- personal secrets

Invasive- personal space

Medical treatment-  both are ok

It depends on.. (always)

Homework, grammar 139

pp. 29 give an opinion about 


excited or exciting

annoyed or annoying

interested or interesting

bored or boring

motivated or motivating





Here are the mistakes I have on the exam 

My answer: create environments where individuals are (8) free to express
Right answer: create environments where individuals are (8) freer to express

My answer: Ultimately, fostering mutual respect and understanding between genders is essential for creating (10)equitable and harmonious world for everyone.
Right answer:  
Ultimately, fostering mutual respect and understanding between genders is essential for creating (10)a more equitable and harmonious world for everyone.

My answer: 

What a incredible party you organized!
Right answer: 
What incredible party you organized!
Strong silábic 
My answer: Dishonest
Right answer:Dishonest


Interesting - pronunciation = intristing 

Prescriptive language.- Instructions and rules, how a person should talk formal lang.  

Descriptive language.- Everything that people say that speakers build the language. 

Word formation

Industry - noun 

Industrial - adjective

Whereas - Mientras comparative adverb  (not like while)

able - 

unable - 

Partes gramaticales - partes de la oración gramatical 

Sufijo= suffix 

al = adjetivo relativo a .... ej.industrial = industry 

ity = idad .... Necessity = necesidad
